But it cautioned them against helping a patient obtain marijuana because that remains illegal under Federal law.
But two months ago, I decided to read Proposition 215 to find out just how sick you had to be to obtain marijuana legally.
For patients who would not know how else to obtain marijuana, the club is a welcome alternative to buying on the street.
He said he sometimes obtained marijuana from a former dealer and marijuana advocate who also supplied about a dozen sick people in New York.
Nor, he said, does it prevent individuals from obtaining medical marijuana.
'I'll Grow It' Mrs. Kaitz decided she would obtain marijuana for her son and with the help of a more street-smart friend, bought $50 worth.
The verdict simply shifts the onus to individual patients or to compassionate state governments to obtain marijuana for medical purposes and test the limits of federal intransigence.
That decision essentially affirms the federal government's right to hold physicians accountable if they actually take steps to help patients obtain marijuana.
That year, the Legislature passed a law permitting patients with cancer and glaucoma to obtain marijuana from the state.
In 2005, the Santa Cruz City Council established a city government office to assist residents with obtaining medical marijuana.