After all, you can still binge on chips, veggie burgers and vegan chocolate.
"It's good on burgers, too," I said, dropping to crouch beside the island counter and pick out a spell book.
Lots of local families dining, though often on burgers and chips and the like!
Throw on burgers, bring out the lawn chairs, maybe invite girls?
While most people were still dining on burgers, chicken and fries, scattered tables were trying the new items.
We didn't have any lettuce, so Alicia volunteered to pick some dandelion greens and show us how good they were on burgers.
An exhaustive history of hamburgers: I can't gorge on burgers any more.
The place was pulsing with customers, their minds fixed on burgers deluxe and club sandwiches.
And I hope we will do many more features on burgers, pizzas and all the other stuff that people eat every day.
"Here," he said, "most people have no culture about eating, and they're happy to live on burgers and coffee."