At the 5:30 performances, there will be a one-hour break for picknicking.
For eight hours, with a one-hour break for lunch, the instructor drilled the class, and Stone found the lectures to be well organized, to the point, with the fat trimmed away.
The longer tours consist of two three-hour rides with a one-hour break for lunch (which is not included in the price).
Spanish schools have a complete restaurant as well and students have minimum one-hour break.
Okay, people, we're going to take a one-hour break, give the timers a rest and give the pin sorters a chance to cull out the bad ones.
At one p.m., when a one-hour break for lunch was called, I had lost two and won three.
They generally played each day from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 pm, with a one-hour break for lunch.
Cycles 1 and 2 are done in the same day with a suggested one-hour break in between.
Workers had a one-hour break during a normal workday, and the players on the team usually took the first 15 minutes to eat lunch and used the remaining 45 minutes to practice football.
Ulliott reduced Nguyen's stack to one chip, and the tournament director insisted upon still taking a one-hour scheduled break, over Nguyen's protests.