Mr. Martin wonders still about the strong reaction of a one-time resident, Marlon Brando, to a woman lurking by his door.
A native of Cleveland, he is also a one-time resident of Ridgewood, New Jersey.
She is a one-time resident of Nashville, Tennessee.
Your writer captured the flavor well, and as a one-time resident of Oakland, I appreciated her observations of the city.
Artist Frederic Remington was a one-time resident.
The resolution noted she was a one-time resident of Los Angeles.
It is a common stop on Jack the Ripper tours as one of his victims is commonly believed to have been a one-time resident.
Mark Twain, a one-time resident, thought the Queen City of the West was too slow.
Mike Tyson, boxer, was a one-time resident of the Tryon School for Boys in the town.