But the lengthy opinion and order released by the arbitrators described in detail a dispute that until now had been shrouded in secrecy.
About eight pages of Judge Tatel's concurring opinion were deleted from the opinion released in 2005.
The ultimate decision by the Supreme Court took less than three months from oral argument to the opinion being released.
That opinion, released in July 2003, was signed by Mr. Harvey himself.
Their separate opinions and a dissent by Judge Patricia Wald, released in tentative outline last week, will need spelling out.
In an opinion released on Thursday, the judge also wrote that defense lawyers had failed to show that prosecutors acted in bad faith.
But the opinion released today for the first time detailed the broad role of the office in the "dissemination of propaganda."
The following is a list of opinions released by the New Jersey Supreme Court during the 2007 term.
The statement was supplemented by a formal opinion released on May 12, 2006.
Altogether, the web of opinions released yesterday by the court in Albany totaled more than 200 pages.