It also opposed, often forcefully, consumer culture, militarism, racism, and sexism.
The church opposes racism in any form and today has no racial policy.
It is a matter of great concern to the black community, to women, to every one of us who opposes racism in this city.
Anti-racism includes beliefs, actions, movements, and policies adopted or developed to oppose racism.
The group's lyrics have opposed racism, bigotry, domestic violence, and child abuse.
Olan was one of the few whites who publicly opposed racism in Dallas during the 1950s.
They have said violence is necessary to force changes in government and to oppose racism and imperialism.
Kemp said that during the civil rights movement the Republican Party had "missed the opportunity" to oppose racism.
Benoist has said he opposed racism and violence, saying he is building "a school of thought, not a political movement."
We have opposed racism and the infringement of the rights of minorities.