Nearby, two young men slept on opposite benches, snoring in tandem.
He turned to look at the three writhing on the opposite bench and his mouth set in a hard line.
He sat down on the opposite bench, eyeing me.
When they take their spots on opposite benches, Summitt looks at the game from a position of dominance.
He made a sour face, thinking about that, and leaned back, putting his booted feet up on the opposite bench.
But the car would not be easy to get into; one of the guards was sitting on a bench directly opposite, his back to the bicycles.
"Take off your jacket," she said and backed to the opposite bench.
Kat sat straighter, lowering her feet from the opposite bench.
Someone was sitting on the opposite bench reading a newspaper, and it was not Barley.
Reaching across, he put it down on the opposite bench.