I gave up on ordering burgers from any kind of fast food place or other restaurant years ago.
We ordered burgers and more beers, and continued to talk and put the final touches on my deal with the Devil.
We made the usual small talk while studying the menu, then ordered burgers and fries.
They ordered, burgers and fries, since nothing else on the menu looked very tempting.
Guests can order burgers and other snacks prepared in the nearby beach house.
You might like your filet mignon rare, but pregnancy is a time to order all steaks and burgers well done.
Besides alcohol, you can order burgers, fries and sandwiches.
On the street level at Sascha is a sort of tavern, where you can order burgers and the like.
DAY 6:My daughter was tiring of salad every night and started ordering burgers.
On a recent night, a couple held hands and nursed flutes of Champagne, while nearby a family of five ordered $20 burgers all around.