Before its official release, "Rollerblades" was originally speculated to be Doolittle's debut single.
Although it was originally speculated that Adult Swim might air the episode, Fox stated that there were no plans to air it on their network.
Weaver was originally speculated to be one of the top three overall draft picks in 2004; however, the bonus demands of his agent, Scott Boras, turned off several teams.
It was originally speculated that because of these changes, independent developers may have been excluded, and subsequently damaged, in preference for larger game companies.
It was originally speculated that some trains would be moved to Line 11 for reinforcement, but such plans never came to fruition.
It was originally speculated that the fire was caused by the burning of an illegal garbage dump and spread due to the dry conditions and strong winds.
It was originally speculated that it was caused by industrial pollution, a rocket launch or even a nuclear accident.
It was originally speculated that the character of Michael could be killed off the show entirely.
It was originally speculated that the winners of the Cage Force tournaments were to be selected to compete in the UFC's active roster.
It was originally speculated that the music video would have visuals reflecting the theme of self-belief and overcoming self-doubt.