It was originally taught within the Senior Department.
Basically, the steps were given to me the way they were originally taught, and I was free to bring nuance to them.
Choir - originally taught by Mrs. Annand but she retired in 2009.
Band- originally taught by Mr. Annand but he also retired in 2009.
The Seven fires prophecy was originally taught among the practitioners of Midewiwin.
He was born in Aberdeen and originally taught by his mother.
- Started playing guitar at the age of 11 and was originally taught by his father Michael Blackwood.
In addition some agencies have broken up the course into smaller and smaller chunks than what was originally taught as the basic course.
"They say that almost everything we knew until about fifty thousand years ago was taught to us originally by the Precursors."
He was originally taught to draw and paint by his grandmother at around the age of seven.