Less profitable products like fragrances pull down overall margins for the company.
The company has said it will continue to pursue that strategy as overall margins decline in the years ahead.
Buy.com says its overall margins exceed 10 percent.
BUT strong sales and profits at these companies will be of little value if the group's overall margins are pulled down by its retailing.
For the first nine months of the year, the overall margin was 3.4 percent.
The margins on the business are rich as well: 50 percent according to Bernstein, a level far exceeding the firm's overall margin.
(The overall margin of error was plus or minus 3.9 percent.)
They finished in the leading pack, so Bobrik's overall margin was preserved.
Although for some domains the specific dictionary far outperformed the general, the overall margin, on average, was insufficient to justify their continued use.
The overall margin of error on the measurement is estimated to be below one percent.