To that end, yesterday was never going to be a Eureka moment, even if the Higgs's existence were declared certain, rather than overwhelmingly likely.
The men and women crowding Rikers Island today are overwhelmingly likely to come from poor backgrounds, with many abusing crack and heroin.
It says the restrictions and the way the state has enforced them disenfranchise the poor, people who speak no English and others overwhelmingly likely to vote Democratic.
And now, thanks to DNA testing, we know that it is overwhelmingly likely she bore Jefferson six children.
"we still lack a test for differentiating the Copenhagen Interpretation from the Everett Interpretation, yet it is overwhelmingly likely that -one- of these is correct."
If there is a near-future extinction, it is overwhelmingly likely that we find ourselves alive within a few centuries of the present day.
It is overwhelmingly likely that your house would be a significant improvement.
But the campaign has languished, and it appears overwhelmingly likely that he will be rejected by the voters.
Furthermore, is it not overwhelmingly likely that there are other factors involved of which we know nothing, or which we simply overlook?
In the 1990 census, younger Americans who had a college degree were overwhelmingly likely to get good jobs and have their incomes grow.