In due course the stragglers were coflected, wiping mouths on padded sleeves, and the troop rode off into the dusk.
Curry-who warmed up extensively on the ankle and wore a special padded sleeve and brace-was 2 for 12 for four points.
Dr. Allen took the padded sleeve and, without touching it, cut it off the jacket and let it fall into a wide-mouthed jar.
Rebus's mouth and nose were muffled by the padded sleeve of the man's oily jacket.
The barbell can also be cushioned with a special padded sleeve used if the weight becomes uncomfortable for the lifter.
She slid past him and curled her fingers around the thin wheel with its padded sleeve.
She is in silhouette and wears a close cap, brocaded dress with padded sleeves, and a long cloak.
Keep your e-reader safe in a padded, form-fitting sleeve.
See, these are padded sleeves.
She was short and blue, but impressive in padded sleeves and farthingale hoops that made her skirt even more like a barrel than that of Delle's.