What ensued were among the most difficult, painful encounters I was to have with the people closest to me.
And he films some painful encounters with his own father.
In this cartoon, they tell the mouse-hungry cat that a bulldog is a mouse, leading to several painful encounters for the cat.
He recalled his own painful encounter with the powerful ogrillon, a fight he would have lost.
For most Germans, education about the war begins at home, in sometimes painful encounters.
Then she remembered that last painful encounter when she had implored him to give her a baby.
One would have thought that Yukon would now stay clear of bears, remembering his previous painful encounter, but the opposite was the case.
But what happened next was a nerve-wracking and painful encounter with one of the world's most powerful birds.
An active dog is a healthy dog - except when it comes to painful encounters with nuisances lurking in the great outdoors.
It was a devastating moment for him, and for me, and to this day I've never forgotten how painful that encounter was.