Our expert panel of four women, friends who work here at Hammerstead, have come up with a list of their requirements for the perfect man.
The panel of four men and two women reached the verdict after deliberating two days.
Following the departure of Rosie O'Donnell in 2007 the program looked to return to a panel of five women.
Spooner was examined by a panel of 12 women and two male midwives, who all swore that she was not "quick with child."
It was not clear why the panel of nine women and three men balked.
"The jury was not divided," said Jason Hauf, 32, who served on the panel of seven men and five women.
The jury foreman reported after nearly eight hours of deliberation that the panel of three men and three women had deadlocked.
The panel of eight women and four men said they were unable to reach a decision on the two counts despite long discussions.
It consists of a panel of four women who interview celebrities and discuss topical issues, ranging from daily politics and current affairs, to celebrity gossip.
Jurors said some of the men on the panel of five women and seven men expressed doubts about an acquittal early Tuesday.