Her former pastor believed the end of times was near and preached that people who voted for John Kerry in 2004 would go to hell.
The pastor preaches the word.
The pastor preaches, administers the ordinances, and promotes the "spiritual welfare" of congregants.
The two fellowships interacted, almost as one, and the pastors and guest speakers preached meetings and services in each other's churches.
The story runs that the Freiherr von Militz, a country landowner, arrived too late to hear the local pastor preach.
By 1538, a traveling pastor preached one sermon a month in the filial church in Habkern.
The meet while the sinner to heaven faster than they can "say" Amen, the pastor should preach to empty crowds.
For several years the same pastor would preach in both churches, in the Center mornings and at the Station in the afternoon.
As images were not yet considered to be valueless by everyone, he suggested that pastors preach on this subject under threat of punishment.
The Christians of his time went to war in good conscience and only a few pastors preached the just peace as he did.