Some patients are declining very high-priced drugs rather than making co-payments that can reach $1,000 or more a month.
I'm a physician and wanted to let you know we use "crump" when a patient declines rapidly/goes down the tubes/might die.
If a patient declines an HIV test, this decision should be documented in the medical record.
Three patients declined to come for a check endoscopy immediately after radiotherapy as they had no bowel symptoms.
If the patient declines to be interviewed, the request must be made directly to the visiting psychiatrists.
When patients decline care, emergency crews are to ask them to sign a form confirming that refusal.
The patient has declined to file criminal charges.
But Italian law allows patients, other than those with psychiatric problems and infectious diseases, to decline treatment.
If the patients decline such tests, it may take six months or longer to be sure the health worker did not become infected.
Where opt-out testing has been used, few patients decline tests.