It is a social film which portrays the struggle of pavement dwellers in the backdrop of rapid industrialisation.
"We the Invisible" revealed that pavement dwellers were not transient populations, but people who had lived for over two decades in the city.
Elsewhere in Calcutta, the pavement dwellers go about their businesses steadily, deliberately.
Mahila Milan, meaning "women together," is a credit scheme designed to assist women pavement dwellers in Bombay.
These were the homes of those known popularly as "pavement dwellers".
It was started for children of the scheduled tribes (pavement dwellers and mendicants).
Jaising argued cases of homeless pavement dwellers of Mumbai who were facing eviction.
The stories are real-life accounts of the struggle of the pavement dwellers.
Another recurring theme throughout the anthology is how the struggle enabled the pavement dwellers to build a strong community on the road.
The overall economic scenario is highlighted by the growing number of pavement dwellers.