Yet before they were allowed an opportunity to have audience with you, my soldiers were forced to deal with gangs of armed ruffians who refused them peaceful entry.
Finding himself forestalled, he made a peaceful entry, pretending he had heard Dionysios' fleet was sighted.
British commanders in charge of the Basra sector appeared frustrated that they had been unable to orchestrate a peaceful entry into the city.
It is not too late for the Iraqi military to act with honor and protect your country by permitting the peaceful entry of coalition forces to eliminate weapons of mass destruction.
The entry was peaceful and bloodless entry on three sectors except for that of Khalid's column.
The Italian Army, commanded by General Raffaele Cadorna, crossed the papal frontier on 11 September and advanced slowly toward Rome, hoping that a peaceful entry could be negotiated.
By that time, McCain helped ensure they had a peaceful entry.
There was only the peaceful entry of the two in white, who as Ardneh's priests saluted courteously first the master of the house and then the people with him.
The tribal elders said more than 90 percent of Bani Walid residents want the peaceful entry of NTC fighters.
"You never even rehearsed a peaceful entry?"