British naval personnel boarded the ship to remove casualties and the remainder of the mutinous crew.
Finding that the emergency call was unnecessary, the police officers and medical personnel boarded the elevator.
"The instant their personnel have boarded, their injured have been treated, and- " He saw that Avarak was not the only person present whose face bore positively un-Vulcan expressions of curiosity and greed.
"Your personnel have illegally breached and boarded my ships and injured my crew: you will immediately inform them that they should cease resistance and surrender to lawful authority-"
The Spanish personnel returned to their passenger car and boarded it, and it immediately moved back across the border.
At the beginning of March 1919, the personnel of the 27th boarded a troop ship and sailed for New York Harbor, arriving approximately 18 March.
After an extended period of training in the northeast United States, the personnel boarded the Army transport ship Henry Gibbons and left the wharf at Weehawken, New Jersey on 15 May 1943.
The 123d left their F-51Ds at Godman AFB and the personnel boarded C-124 Globemaster II transports to England where they initially began conversion training on F-84E Thunderjets.
After additional moves and training in other states, the personnel of the 357th boarded the RMS Queen Elizabeth and sailed from New York on 23 November 1943.
Although the crew tried to destroy the most sensitive information and equipment before Chinese military personnel boarded the plane, some experts said it was highly likely that the Chinese had gleaned useful information from what remained.