"I was telling Mike, 'I'm going to hit you with a phantom punch,' " Botha said.
But he hit me with a phantom punch first.
Midway through the first round, Liston was knocked down by one of Ali's punches, later dubbed by the press as the "phantom punch".
Promoters know I don't go down with a phantom punch.
There, Liston may forever be bobbing and weaving, held up by the famous "phantom punch" that floored him in their heavyweight championship fight in 1965.
He told him what had happened at the Rare Animal Pavilion-the old lady in the Easter bonnet, the phantom punch.
Then, winning in a rematch on a phantom punch.
Besides, Dr. Petito said the boxing lessons, and your "phantom punch," had nothing to do with my rumor.
Onomagoulos threw a lazy phantom punch at the Emperor, who ducked, his smile wider now.
The "phantom punch" is now fight lore, but Lewiston's connection to boxing remains current through a local hero, Joey Gamache.