The phrase derives from the literal, specific description of a mother who transports and watches her children play soccer.
This phrase derives from the fact that to hold an election in such a system a writ of election must be issued.
A possible meaning is suggested on, which suggests that the phrase "derives from a literal usage of the exclamation.
Have you thought how many everyday phrases derive from the folk drama?
The phrase "goose bumps" derives from the phenomenon's association with goose skin.
The phrase derives by analogy from the earlier phrase What would Jesus do?
The phrase apparently derives from golf, referring to "a well executed shot.
The phrases derive their meaning by reflectivity to each other in the same way that light is understood as the semantic opposite of darkness.
The phrase probably derives from a complicated dice game called "hazard."
The phrase derives from contemporary models of applying the term "coach" to personal teaching professions.