Later depictions would stress the romantic or picturesque aspects of the activity.
Shadowed by luxuriant vines, and surrounded by gardens of oranges and pomegranates, the houses give the town a picturesque aspect.
Old stone walls are particularly prized because they represent a picturesque aspect of life before the machine age.
Beyond its picturesque aspects, the film means to decry the hardships that the miners endure.
To conclude our description of the jangada, we have only to speak of one or two erections of different kinds which gave it a very picturesque aspect.
Friends urged him to embody in a lecture the picturesque aspect of Hawaiian life.
The town, nestled on a high sloping hillside, retains much of its picturesque medieval aspect, only slightly marred by the large car parks below the town.
The bottom of this immense valley is dotted with some mountains, that give to these submarine places a picturesque aspect.
One of the most interestingly picturesque aspects of Louth is its roofscape.
It also had its picturesque aspects: at times the sliding figure evoked the sound of wind; elsewhere the texture suggested the steady movement of a clock mechanism.