As proof, the plaintiffs hope to present testimony and documents made public last spring during Congressional hearings.
The plaintiffs hope to repeat the success of Holocaust survivors' suits, which have yielded $6.2 billion in recent settlements.
By collecting internal memorandums and research documents, the plaintiffs hope to find information incriminating to the tobacco companies.
Ms. Wheeler is also under subpoena to testify in the case, with the plaintiffs hoping that she will confirm their assertion against Chief Fulwood.
The plaintiff, on the other hand, hopes to win a large financial award.
But Dr. Clapp's testimony could have far less impact than the plaintiffs had hoped.
In six more, including New York, plaintiffs are hoping to refile complaints that were dropped or dismissed.
"I think the plaintiffs must hope that if they can win Round 1 then the industry will come to the bargaining table," Mr. Sugarman said.
The plaintiffs may hope that the situation forces Philip Morris to settle now, but such pressure would be akin to extortion.
A plaintiff can hope to be one of the few lucky ones who get a multimillion-dollar award.