Using this method, Kepler notes small and steady decreases in a star's brightness that are measured as a planet crosses in front of it.
Joyce Jillson, another well-known astrologer, also got her planets crossed.
The planet of He was crossing the Rift.
It looked as if a giant planet was crossing the face of the Sun; a great black disc had bitten deep into its edge.
A red planet crossed with canals whirled past him, two moons circling it furiously.
When a planet crosses in front of its star as viewed by an observer, the event is called a transit.
This transit causes a regular interval in which the star briefly and slightly dims as the planet crosses it.
The points at which a planet crosses above and below its reference plane are called its ascending and descending nodes.
The upper atmosphere of Venus can be measured from Earth when the planet crosses the sun in a rare event known as a solar transit.
One is to monitor the decrease in brightness of a star observed when a large planet crosses its face.