Outside her home, plainclothes agents seized her, held her incommunicado and, according to Ms. Vargas, charged her with drug possession after they planted marijuana in her pocketbook.
Members of the precincts engaged in a practice known as "flaking", in which cops planted marijuana, cocaine, or Ecstasy on suspects.
One of the officers planted marijuana in Johnston's house after the shooting.
They came in beat-up Volkswagen buses, they lit a lot of campfires, they played mopey music on portable phonographs, and they planted corn and tomatoes and marijuana.
To get revenge on Carey, Sheriff Buelton frames Billy for drug possession by planting marijuana in his gym locker at school.
Orrin Price has framed the Tri-Lambs by planting marijuana in their house.
The committee also asked for information regarding Mr. Santiago's role in a disciplinary case involving two Newark police officers accused of planting marijuana on suspects.
"It was obvious at the trial that the police had planted marijuana on me, because I'm asthmatic and can't smoke," he says drily.
"That's where your father has been planting marijuana, so the cops will find it and arrest me."
In the episode, Leslie conducts surveillance on a community garden in an attempt to find out who planted marijuana there.