In addition, the peak reaction rate of p-B is only one third that for D-T, requiring better plasma confinement.
To answer this question one must understand a little about magnetic plasma confinement.
Sceptre was an early fusion power device based the Z-pinch concept of plasma confinement, built in the UK starting in 1957.
The plasma confinement in the best RFP's is only about 1% as good as in the best tokamaks.
Magnetic fluctuations bedevil plasma confinement in this type of device by scrambling what we hoped were well behaved magnetic fields.
The machine was not a doughnut-shaped tokamak, but an innovative approach to plasma confinement that seemed simpler and cheaper.
MHD is related to engineering problems such as plasma confinement, liquid-metal cooling of nuclear reactors, and electromagnetic casting (among others).
Magnetic fluctuations are a big problem for plasma confinement in this type of device (see plasma stability) by scrambling what were initially well-ordered magnetic fields.
This is called the Brillouin limit; it is an equation for the maximum possible radial electric field that allows plasma confinement.
If it's loss of plasma confinement, that could be pretty hairy.