Nylan plodded forward toward the first drain where he could sense some drainage.
Now, more than three weeks later, the two sides plod forward with questions and answers about that proposal and others.
They plodded forward across the sand toward the hole in the cliff.
Acceleration tried to hold her back, but she plodded grimly forward and soon she sat down at his feet.
Two years later, the commission accepted the petition and has been plodding forward on the issue ever since.
He clicked his tongue, the cob plodded resolutely forward and so did I.
The two officers plodded forward, barely able to see.
Yet we did plod forward and, in the end, we were rewarded.
Heads down to protect themselves against the storm, they plodded forward for several hours.
Jamie kept plodding forward, panting, until he heard Joanna in his earphones.