Some of the "a secretary is a toy" type lines have been politically corrected.
MR. PRESIDENT Conceived, rewritten and politically corrected by Gerard Alessandrini.
In the new and politically corrected Navy, the dark-blue coveralls crewmen wear while on patrol are no longer called "poopie suits."
Version 1.1 censored the depictions of suicide by default and replaced the Deady Bear with a new splash screen with a note claiming it to be a "politically corrected version".
Our gunfighters have been emasculated, our Indians have been politically corrected, and we live in an era of a president and presidential candidates who, unlike Teddy Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan, naturally avoid - in the absence of geopolitical frontiers - the propagandist rhetoric of frontiersmanship.
We sanitize our schools and then wonder why our kids come out politically corrected," Mr. Ferrell said today.
This is art that can neither be expressively tempered, nor politically corrected, nor marketably slotted by that great vetting, veneering machine called the art industry.
He despised those who refused to see the suffering that capitalism sometimes caused; but capitalism, he said, is an economic system that may be politically corrected.
The greatness of capitalism, after all, is that it may be politically corrected.