In the southwest part of the quarter there is a pool called Hezkiyahu's Pool that was used to store rain water for the area.
There is a large pool called Kuttichira, which attracts many visitors.
But something about his smile made her hesitate, then someone in the pool called out, 'Hello, Rachel.'
The name was said derived from a sprinkling light of the pool called Vansaangdim under bright sunlight.
We arrived in the pool called Push 'Em Up.
Lake Kashiba is the best known of the several small, very deep pools in the Ndola district called "the sunken lakes."
Simultaneously, a similar pool called Television Bells ran in the Czechoslovakia since 1985.
On the North side it is surrounded by a big pool called 'Kadamba Kullam'.
From here it runs through woodland for a short distance and into a large pool called Little Broad.
Lolim lies just north of the Loyuro River, which has a pool called Lolimi.