His aim was to prevent the persecution of poor, aged, and simple persons, who were popularly credited with being witches.
He is popularly credited as being the originator of the Shaka sign.
He was popularly credited with the possession of over 500 trousers and 5,000 neckties.
It is popularly credited with Okinawan life expectancies being higher than the already long Japanese ones.
But he altogether rejected the possibility of many of the alleged powers with which witches were popularly credited.
Langstroth was popularly credited with discovering the "bee space," though this discovery had already been implemented in European hives.
Other parks also were created, and Riis was popularly credited with them as well.
Jeptha is not popularly credited with being the first black British champion.
They are popularly credited as two key architects of modern Bangladesh and the rule of each was ended by assassination.
The term is popularly credited to him as reported in the May/June 2009 issue of Dance Spirit magazine.