Form is all important in chinlone: there is a correct way to position the hands, arms, torso, and head during the moves.
If he positioned both transparencies by hand during the lecture, it can require a good bit of care to avoid having noticeable rotation.
The male's plastron is deeply indented to help with positioning during mating.
This innovation allows the starter to concentrate on the actual horse's positioning during the "score up".
The thrusters will be used to position the shuttle during re-entry.
He stated that the camera positioning during a lot of acts in not "overly convincing" and some close-ups are too dark.
Specialized massage tables and chairs are used to position recipients during massages.
King scored his first goal tonight by smartly positioning himself during a power play.
He is also a persuasive polemicist who can position his efforts within the larger framework of global events during a time of enormous international transition.
She positioned herself as a diva during her season but has completely switched gears .