The patterns of post-war immigration provide the context in which the income trends outlined in the previous section have impacted on Black households with children.
Reflecting these patterns of post-war immigration, most ethnic minority groups have a higher proportion of young adults and children than the population as a whole.
He was not optimistic about post-war immigration: "Persons of liberal principles are shocked if one views this influx with misgiving.
Cardiff has an ethnically diverse population due to its past trading connections, post-war immigration and the large numbers of foreign students who attend university in the city.
Silver City is a 1984 Australian film about post-war Polish immigration to Australia, following World War II.
Rose returned to England in 1962 to become director of Survey of Race Relations, a five-year study into post-war immigration in Britain.
This is because of the civil wars in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina and post-war immigration from these two countries.
Although post-war immigration was continuous, several distinct phases can be identified:
New prospects in international commerce and tourism and the evolution of a cosmopolitan Australian society through post-war immigration were reflected in the diversification of language courses.
This was to accommodate the changing nature of the Leichhardt area since the post-war immigration of Europeans to Australia.