But, to the contrary, Singer finds that in much of post-war British life it is applauded and rewarded.
The song is often described as a lament for lonely people or a commentary on post-war life in Britain.
Anderson left the Navy after his term of service expired and nothing is known of his post-war life.
His post-war life continued much as it had.
Maurice Wilson left the army in 1919, and like many of the "lost generation" found the transition to post-war life extremely difficult.
She survived the Second World War, but endured several mishaps in post-war life.
Pântea was long suspected of war crimes, and spent much of his post-war life as a fugitive.
She also deals with her post-war life, and the stigma of her past that thwarted future productions.
He spent his post-war life in travel, tourism, and writing as a peace activist.
Both Murphy and Universal gave serious considerations to a follow-up version of his post-war life.