When Lucky stops the postal van, Justice goes to see what's wrong.
At the lowest point in the alley is a loading dock, several small postal vans backed up to this.
It also built bodies for ambulances and postal vans.
Local services were used to transport the mail between Christchurch and the port in postal vans.
The remaining three first-class carriages, the guard's van, and a postal van remained on the track.
Graham and his wife sold the Maverick that Ford had given him and used the money to buy a retired postal van.
Young Andrews, the driver of the postal van, doesn't seem able to remember delivering it.
I jumped into a postal van a second or two before they started shattering on the spot where I had just stood.
On Feb. 14, a group of at least nine attackers killed three police guards and robbed a postal van of $900,000.
But the postal vans, which cost $17,000 each, have a few modifications.