The taller stances, in which the practitioner adopts an almost upright position, are fast but weak.
It became a somewhat shared practice, which incorporated elements of design and intervention that the practitioners adopted because of their efficacy.
Recent years have seen bonsai practitioners adopt powered tools for deadwood work, particularly small rotary tools for carving and grinding.
There was no medicine distinctly Jewish and instead Jewish practitioners had adopted Greek and later Graeco-Roman knowledge as practice.
Some practitioners of Wicca adopt a "craft name" or "witch name" upon initiation for use within their community.
While alchemists often understood chrysopoeia as a metaphor for a mystical, or religious process, some practitioners adopted a literal interpretation, and tried to make gold through physical experiment.
There, practitioners of British Traditional Wicca adopted it exclusively for themselves as a means to differentiate their practices from those of other Pagan Witches.
Many Chinese general practitioners and medical teachers adopted her Cantonese translations of very important English-language textbooks on general and surgical nursing.
At the second inhalation, the arms go down and cross at the level of the knees as the practitioner adopts a semi-squatting position.
On the second inhalation, the forearms go down and wrap around the ankles, going from the inside to the outside as the practitioner adopts a squatting position.