He also prays alongside Msgr.
Archbishop Christodoulos, head of the Greek Orthodox Church, has vowed not to pray alongside the Roman Catholic pope, who arrives in Athens on Friday.
Sadr later made a rare television appearance where he prayed alongside Sunni clerics in a landmark Sunni mosque in Baghdad.
This is the same pope, after all, who scandalized Catholic traditionalists by jettisoning limbo and by praying alongside the grand mufti of Istanbul inside the Blue Mosque in Turkey.
He told how he wrote down the license plate numbers of worshipers, talked to imams, prayed alongside other Muslims and, after each visit, reported back to his detective handler.
We have in the Spirit a divine intercessor, resident within us, to teach us to pray and to pray alongside us.
They're not even allowed to pray alongside the men in the mosque.
The Pope was preparing to pray alongside leaders of Jewish groups at the Holocaust memorial in Warsaw.
Saudi women pray alongside a group of Indonesian tourists.
According to Bede, Oswald raised a cross, and prayed for victory alongside his troops.