The bartender started to pray out loud, but he wasn't putting his faith in prayer alone.
If he's 'in a place where I can', Flowers prays out loud.
I read where Barbara said she and George pray out loud.
"Let us pray out loud," he said.
For a moment, as he'd watched Loyer begin to lose his grip on the race, he'd heard the man praying out loud.
The Major, a devout Catholic, was also praying out loud.
I was praying out loud, just hoping to God that I could get out of there.
Witnesses say he succumbed to panic and began praying out loud, rather than attempting to maneuver the plane to the nearest airport.
And all the rest... The younger man prayed out loud, fervent, face screwed up in an agony of concentration.
Ted started praying out loud, asking Christ for help.