Toha learns a new skill that allows to blank out his mind and augment his entire body's senses in order to better predict attacks.
Its reports, predicting terrorist attacks and calling for a national homeland security agency, became must-reading after Sept. 11.
When a telepath "rewired" Cassandra's brain to allow her speech, this had the unintended consequence of blocking her ability to "predict" attacks.
After reading newspaper accounts of administration officials predicting "inevitable" attacks, he was worried about flying home, through Chicago, this weekend.
He has given agents new powers to spy on possible terrorists, detain suspects and look for patterns that could predict terrorist attacks.
The game began as form predicted: Brazilian attacks against the Uruguayan defensive line, for the majority of the first half.
In both cities, people predicted heightened Palestinian attacks in retaliation.
We don't need national security officials to simply predict attacks.
Terrorism experts said the index could help corporate clients gauge security risks but cautioned that it was nearly impossible to predict terrorist attacks.
Realistically, I know governments need covert organization to gather intelligence, to help predict terrorist attacks, to help dismantle terrorists and politically fanatic groups.