They are presumed capable of interceding on human behalf with the remoter divinities, the Gods or the Ascended Ones.
Has there ever been such a joyful public bashing of the irrelevant by adults presumed capable of running a large, heavily armed institution?
Those between 14 and 21 were presumed capable of forming criminal intent and were therefore punishable.
All infected people are presumed capable of passing the virus to others.
Children fourteen and older were presumed capable of committing a crime.
A confirmed positive test result is considered evidence that a person has been infected and, well or ill, must always be presumed capable of spreading it to others.
Under the new law, all citizens who are 18, have not been convicted of a felony and can communicate in English will be presumed capable of jury service.
Federal officials have estimated that 1.5 million Americans are already infected with the virus and are presumed capable of transmitting it through blood transfusions or in sexual intercourse.
The Administration is also proposing to put the air traffic system under a new Government corporation presumed capable of modernizing more rapidly (see letters at right).
All infected people are presumed capable of infecting others.