Across all states, the prevalence of cigarette smoking among adults ranges from 9.3% to 26.5%.
The prevalence of hypertension ranged from 5-15% in industrial populations to 20-27% in the general population.
The prevalence among the general population exposed environmentally ranges from 0.53 to 8%.
The incidence is 0.78% of the population and the prevalence ranges from 0.18 to 0.32%.
In these single-institution case series, the prevalence of positive nodes in patients with T1a tumors ranged from 9% to 16%.
The prevalence of opioid-induced myoclonus ranges greatly, from 2.7% to 87%.
The prevalence of aortic root dilatation ranges from 8.8% to 42% in patients with Turner syndrome.
The prevalence of Type D personality is 21% in the general population and ranges between 18 to 53% in cardiac patients.
The prevalence of phantom pain after limb amputation ranged from 50% to 78%.
In addition, prevalence among IDUs still ranges from 30 to 50 percent.