It had paid tax on 7 hides in the previous reign and there was land for 40 ploughs.
None defended the swan dive of his previous reign.
It had all started back in the previous reign.
Royal visits became less formal than those of previous reigns.
Local juries had been used occasionally in previous reigns, but Henry made much wider use of them.
The caliph had others who had mistreated him in the previous reign punished.
Not a new gun, by any means, but not used enough times to make a gun from the previous reign less useful.
Rigid Colbertist laws left over from the previous reign hindered industrial development, however.
The first issue made was of the d and 1d values, which were in the same colours as used in the previous reign.
One explanation, at least, can be dismissed: Gloucester was not reacting against his position in the previous reign.