Some even act strangely if you haven't got a printer connected!
Many devices that used different standards, such as printers connected to the parallel port or modems connected to the serial port, use USB.
It also allowed a computer to use a printer connected to the network.
However, the company also said that shared printers connected to a Mac or Windows PC would also work with AirPrint.
If you have a printer connected to your computer, there is a good chance that it uses the parallel port.
This adds a level of security in certain environments that require no USB thumb drives to be used, or printers connected, etc.
Typically, a remote batch device consisted of a card reader and a printer connected to a communication line which interfaced with the remote batch services in the operating system.
For example, a Bonjour enabled printer connected to a network, could 'find' and connect to a Bonjour enabled computer without any user configuration.
If you have had other printers connected to your computer, the drivers from the older hardware may be interfering with your current printer.
The devices can also access a shared printer connected to one of the router's USB port.