A scowl marred the young man's otherwise handsome features as he recalled some prior encounter with the American.
May I inquire the nature of your prior encounter?
Three refugees from a prior corporate-staged Alien encounter have just arrived on the planet and also trying to battle their way to freedom.
Duncan was certain that someday they would meet again, this time eye to eye, and with a pointed lack of reference to any prior encounter.
The colonists introduced pathogens such as smallpox to which the Indians had no prior encounter.
This route had been fortified in the intervening period, and senior leaders feared much more substantial resistance than during the prior encounter.
Darius fought back, forewarned by his prior encounter with it.
The sense of separation he had achieved during his prior sexual encounter shielded him.
Have you learned nothing from our prior encounters?
Hiding their prior encounter in the forest, they awkwardly greet each other as if they'd never met.