The walls of the house are pushed close to the lot lines, allowing for a spacious private courtyard within.
There is an attractive and private courtyard behind the school building.
If in a traditional house or private courtyard, it is used for bathing, aesthetics or both.
The apartment has a living room, separate kitchen, dining area and its own private courtyard.
Considering that you have to go through an alley and a private courtyard to get there, she's right on target.
A good location and a private courtyard complete the package.
What she liked best about the original, she said, was the shape, which created a private courtyard in the back.
Three of the rooms, set around a tiny private courtyard, make a perfect family niche.
Each will have a meditation space and a private outdoor courtyard.
When within a residence or other secular building is a private courtyard and walled garden.