For instance, there are pro-choice Republicans and pro-life Democrats.
He added, "We have had a lot of pro-life Democrats, but the pro-choice folk haven't reached out to them and haven't protected them."
As a pro-life Democrat, Cuellar expressed concerns that the Senate health care bill allowed federal funding for abortion.
In addition, reports surfaced that he is attempting to convince pro-life Democrats in the Stupak coalition to vote for the bill.
Some pro-life Democrats feel that abortion should be strictly illegal under all conditions except instances in which the mother's life is in danger.
Despite its strongly pro-choice platform, in recent years the party leadership has begun to support pro-life Democrats in some cases.
So did a lot of other pro-life Democrats in the state.
Several pro-life Democrats such as John Breaux addressed the convention.
Murtha, a pro-life Democrat, did not receive favorable ratings from abortion and reproductive health interest groups.
"For pro-life Democrats, money would dry up in election campaigns."