This, of course, increases processing speed but, more importantly, it also helps prevent fraud at polling stations.
Research has shown that the higher these scores, the more of a decrease in processing speed, executive functions, and motor learning tasks.
Measuring Power However, processing speed, determined by how quickly a computer can perform basic calculations, is only one measure of power.
It was light-years ahead of the positronic in processing speed and capacity.
The right hemisphere is involved with processing speed and problem solving, which plays a role in humor processing.
"In processing speed, people who were on average 80 years old were performing like 30-year-olds in speed at those tasks."
Neurobehavioural impairment includes problems with attention and planning, processing speed, visual spatial skills, language, reading and spelling.
You will also want a model that captures images in 30- or 36-bit depth (bit refers to the amount of color information, not processing speed).
Some of the most common deficits affect recent memory, attention, processing speed, visual-spatial abilities and executive function.