It was difficult not to feel a profound gloom.
For all that, it was with profound gloom that Gren and Yattmur turned away.
The techs' eyes would take far longer than any Wolverine's to accommodate to the profound gloom.
He was pensive, full of a sense of profound gloom which infected the others so that they did not even attempt to make conversation.
And to Hay's profound gloom, the tawny lily, the one-time nun of learning, answered, "Yes, I do."
"Now I'm ready," he said in a voice of profound gloom.
There was no daytime sound of wings buzzing, feet scraping, voices murmuring, for the city was wrapped in profound gloom and uncertainty concerning its future.
You, Jamie, you're sunk in a pretty profound gloom.
Cyrus's initial frenzy had been replaced by a state of profound gloom.
Then piercing through the profound gloom came the clamorous cries and shrieks of frightened women, .