Final presentations on larger projects occur at the end of the semester, while smaller project presentations occur throughout the semester.
Senior project presentations are typically 25 minutes in length.
The College also has a central air conditioned Seminar Hall used for project presentations, Management discussions and faculty meetings.
Readers may move, for example, from an essay on typography to a story about meeting John Cage, to a project presentation for Zone Books.
The guest lectures, project presentations, science exhibitions, paper presentations, etc. are held here.
There were many awards in technical, project presentation, and special recognition categories.
Laptops are integrated into most classes, whether it is for note-taking, project presentations, research, data analysis, computer-aided experimentation, or online language labs.
The four-year course objectives include career and technology exploration, research practice, job shadowing, and a final project presentation.
Pupils will submit print-outs of their searches on the microcomputer as part of their project presentations.
My second question: has account been taken in the budget of the cost of translating all the forms, brochures and project presentations into Hebrew?