In 1920-1921 there was an acute recession, followed by the prolonged recovery throughout the 1920s.
Recent work from a neoclassical perspective focuses on the decline in productivity which caused the initial decline in output and a prolonged recovery due to government policies.
Other studies have shown that a loss of blood plasma results in reduced muscular endurance, a higher heart rate and body temperature and a prolonged recovery after exercise.
His illness was detected much later, which led to a prolonged recovery of more than two years.
It was only Houston's fifth game back after his prolonged recovery from knee problems.
These measures minimized bleeding into my injured joint and reduced the inflammation and swelling that otherwise would have caused immobilizing pain and a prolonged recovery.
Other risks of donating a liver include bleeding, infection, painful incision, possibility of blood clots and a prolonged recovery.
It was a painful injury, requiring a prolonged recovery.
However, she withdrew from the planned fight due to a prolonged recovery from foot surgery after her June win over Esparza.
He compares these stocks to open-heart surgery patients, with risky, prolonged recoveries.